Tuesday, June 26, 2007



this page contains the meanings of THE NOBLE QURA'AN translated in English , along with ddl to voices of some readers of it .
please note that THE NOBLE QURA'AN can be read only by Arabic, so the translation is for its meanings and explanation .

click here

and here you can read it online
click here

THE NOBLE QURA'AN is the words of the only one god , writing down by his last prophet Muhammad (peace of Allah be upon him)

THE NOBLE QURA'AN is only one book in the whole world , I mean that it's the same words , and there is no changes on it until now (1427 years later) , and there won't be any 'till the day of Judgment , because ALLAH the Almighty (the only god) promised to protect it so that it will be the holy book of the last religion for all mankind .

hope you read it all.

Other Sites to Know Islam

I have also a great site

and I have those too :


and don't forget to search in them about Muhammad (peace of Allah be upon him) The Messenger of Allah , and read about his life.

Do You Want To Know About Islam ??

There are many people looking for the truth about Islam and asking about it.

please take your time in reading it...because it's an important matter...

this website las many audios and videos ...


and there will be more ...